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Our story

Madness or brilliance?

This is the story of how we left the suburban dream with a house and a garden, and instead packed our lives into three peach-colored suitcases.

Behind the blog

Hi there, we are Louise and Rasmus!


A paramedic and an entrepreneur who have chosen to follow our hearts and start a life without a fixed address.


We have chosen to say goodbye to our life in Denmark and instead take the leap into the unknown. It has been nerve-wracking as hell to let go of the safe confines of home, but we asked ourselves, “What’s the worst that can happen?” and most importantly, “What’s the best that can happen?”


We have both been eager to travel since childhood, and we have been on countless vacations together. Before one trip was over, we were already planning the next. It could perhaps be perceived as an escape from everyday life in Denmark, but for us, it was more of a pursuit driven by our common passion for adventure. In each other, we found the courage to pursue our dream of living abroad.


On our blog, you can get a glimpse into our everyday life with everything that entails. We will share our experiences, adventures, and challenges. We will be your virtual travel companions and show you that life is full of countless opportunities and adventures if you just dare to seize the chance.


Our goal is to experience everything the world has to offer, and we will share our thoughts with you along the way. We hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter how scary they may seem. We believe that life is about challenging yourself and exploring new opportunities, and we will show you that it is possible to turn your dreams into concrete goals.


Rasmus is Danish by birth but French at heart. This becomes evident when he sits at a sidewalk café with a glass of Burgundy and a plate of Foie Gras. He gladly sings along to the Marseillaise and is not shy about cheering for Les Bleus when Denmark plays against France.


An eager train enthusiast with no less than 7 interrail trips under his belt and ambitions of one day riding the Orient Express.


When Louise is sunbathing, he can be found in either the pool or the sea. The temperature is irrelevant, when there is water, he simply must jump in.


On a daily basis, Rasmus is a co-founder of Workfeed. His work is his hobby and his passion is palpable. When Rasmus is most absorbed, his bladder is often put to the test. The challenges of running his own business and living as a digital nomad have been taken in stride and turned into a great opportunity to expand to new countries.

Although Rasmus loves to explore new and exciting dishes from around the world, his love for his dad's meatballs and the fish platter from the local supermarket back home will always be at the top of his list of favorite meals.

- Louise


Proud to be born and raised by the west coast of Denmark. She has saltwater in her veins and a love for the rush of the North Sea. Despite her pale skin, Louise is always to be found directly in the sun with her faithful SPF 50 in her bag.


A bit of a clumsy eater, often leaving a stain or two behind. There is always some extra room for dessert – especially if it contains chocolate.


When taking pictures, she seldom manages to focus directly on the camera. However, her eyes are just as rarely open at all. She is often saved by her sunglasses.


The search for the right path was long. After giving both medical school and the army a shot, she became a fully qualified paramedic with Falck in the winter of 2022. Maybe a single path is just not enough. In reality, it is much better to be able to follow them all and this adventure has already led her places she would have never imagined.

Louise has a strange urge to always choose the chips that have the weirdest shape. The taste is almost irrelevant, as long as they look funny.

- Rasmus

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